Monday, March 3, 2008

Texas and Ohio

I wish Texas and Ohio (and Rhode Island and Vermont) had voted a few days ago. I am nervous. As a fervent Obama supporter I am nervous about tomorrow’s primaries. Part of my nervousness is because, as a left coaster, I don’t really understand Ohio or Texas. I understand Vermont and Rhode Island but they don't get much attention tomorrow.

I hope for a decisive victory for Obama. I fear that Hillary Clinton will hang on to fight another day. Even though she has no mathematical chance of achieving enough delegate votes to secure the nomination, she will stick in the race awhile longer – at least through Pennsylvania – that is my fear.

She will stick in the race, because there is always the chance of a major gaff which provides the miracle to give her the nomination. Romney holds the same hope regarding McCain. (Romney, while out of the race, has not released his delegates. He would have a better shot than Huck-a-Buck, if McCain were to implode). She will stick in the race because there are those who hope that Michigan and Florida can count.

Obama has momentum. Momentum, in politics and in life is a fragile thing. Clinton is hitting Obama hard. Is she hitting him hard enough to make a difference – I hope not. Obama is so very cool, and he is a complete gentleman. He is so at ease in his skin.

Hillary is bashing away at his coolness – not directly, but indirectly. She suggests that the country does not need cool under fire, but rather the intense heat of her experience.

Her 3AM ad, for example, is making the point that she is tough and ready for the dangerous call. I found it interesting that, in the ad, the phone rings 6 times before she answers. And then, she is dressed and wearing makeup and jewelry and those Clark Kent reading glasses for the 3am call. Maybe she was up at 3AM checking on Bill. Trying to find out where he is.

And, now the late breaking news, that the comedian Rush Limburger is urging his listeners to vote for Hillary in Texas. His motive: Hillary will beat up Obama and McCain and the RNC won’t. He wants the Republicans to win in November and hopes that Hillary can soften Obama up a bit before the Republicans have to take him on directly.

Wouldn’t it just be the ultimate expression of the Clintonista hubris: Hillary loses the nomination and in the primary process, so damages Obama and the Democratic cause that the Republicans win in November?

1 comment:

ps_in_bi said...

My sentiments exactly! I fear some of the momentum is lost. I also fear people like Rush getting Repugs to vote for Hillary in droves. I used to live in Texas and MANY people listen to that trash! Also, the media is coming down hard on Obama as of late.