Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This happens during an interminable campaign. I go through moments of incredible boredom. I get to a point where I can't stand to hear one more pundit or bloviator (gawd do I like that term) make an idiotic statement about something that doesn't matter.

There have been so many events over the past few days that have been worthy of bloviating on. Yes, it is a word with many perambulations. I think bloviating is a little like spewing. Bloviators spew.

Perhaps the debacle occurring in the Democratic Party has just become numbing. Actually, the debacle is really the story of implosion of the Clintonistas and the relegation of Bill and Hillary Clinton to the dustbin of history.

There are now so many examples of Hillary prevaricating on the campaign trail that the Washington Post has awarded her "four Pinocchio's." If she was really so experienced and ready on Day One, why would she have to lie about her role in Northern Ireland and dodging bullets in Bosnia? With the publication of her calendar as First Lady, I guess we now know why. She did not have a security clearance that gave her permission to learn about National Security matters and she wouldn't have had the time, in any event, given her ribbon cutting responsibilities at senior centers.

Her surrogates are unbelieveable. Carville, the "ragin Cajun," has gone completely off the reservation with his Judas comment on Richardson. Carville looks like Yoda. He has to be the most butt ugly commentator on television. Again, as previously posted, just look at his seven page spread in Architectural Digest. These are people who, like their candidate, have a sense of entitlement. For a exposition of that, read David Brooks in the New York Times today (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/25/opinion/25brooks.html?_r=1&ref=opinion&oref=slogin)

As everyone who passed 3rd grade arithmetic knows, there is no way that Hillary can win the nomination if the rules are adhered to. She cannot win the nomination by counting delegates either regular delegates, committed delegates or super delegates. (It has been interesting to watch the Clintonistas play with the delegate language in an effort to find a winning strategy. Nice Orwellian work, Clintonistas!) Florida and Michigan are off the table. She is behind in delegates. She is behind in total popular vote (now 700,00 behind).

So the Clintonistas hope is that Obama commits a major gaff and somehow goes down in flames and she wins the day. Whoopee! At least Romney had the grace to withdraw in the face of the inevitable. With The Clintonistas there is utter denial. They have been stuck in the denial mode for some time now. Unfortunately, I fear they will stay stuck there for awhile longer.

By the way, I am going to post a longer, more thoughtful bit on McCain's dementia. When Brit Hume of Fox News claims it was just a "senior moment," then we truly have something to worry about. At some point, the mainstream media will begin to talk about this big elephant in the living room.

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