Friday, October 14, 2011

Ground Hog Day!

I have decided to reactivate and once again begin to scratch my Political Itch! I do have a sense of deja vu. It seems just moments ago that we were experiencing the run up to the 2008 election. These four years have had a velocity that is breathtaking. I suppose that is, in part, a consequence of my ever increasing age. Four years is a smaller portion of my life with each passing day! That velocity may also be a function of the acceleration of our lives through the ever strident 24/7 news flood and the broad reach of social media. I suppose that I will have to tweet my posts to Political Itch and post them to my Facebook wall. LOL! Pretty funny.

So, here goes again. Look forward to my rants. In the words of a forgotten hipster from the 1960's "Stay high, keep moving and give all of yourself away!"