Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Please End The Writer's Strike!

As a left coaster who does not subscribe to DISH I have to stay up until 11PM to watch the current day of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I usually don't make it that late and am relegated to watching the 8PM next day rerun. When things are really intense in the world I stay up to get my reality fix.

These past ten weeks have been desperate times for us irreverent political junkies. The writer's strike have removed The Daily Show and The Colbert Report from the air. I have commented to a few friends that I have felt at sea and have lost my moorings. What do I do at 8PM? I can't watch O'Reilly ( Orly or Oily) while waiting for Keith Olbermann at 9PM. Now I read the morning paper, kick the cat, or watch some tatted up derelict in a prison lock-up show.

It was with great anticipation that I propped my eyes open last night until 11PM awaiting Stewart and Colbert. I was sorely disappointed. Jon Stewart was flat. He pandered to the writers with his union negotiator college professor guest. He was lame.

Colbert fared somewhat better. His "solidarity beard" was a good riff on Letterman and O'Brien. In fact, I decided not to shave this morning. I like this solidarity thing.

There is too much going on in the political arena for me to thoughtfully absorb without my shot of irreverent insight from Steward and Colbert. The writer's have to come back. Otherwise, I am left to parse through this political season using only my wits and common sense.

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