Monday, January 7, 2008

Hilary Doesn't Get It!

In just 24 hours the polls in New Hampshire have gone from 32 for Clinton and 28 for Obama to 39 for Obama and 29 for Clinton. It looks like a freight train.

Hilary continues to press on the experience issue. She has a tin ear. The voters don’t care about experience. Experience got us to where we are today, and it is not a pretty picture. The voters don’t want experience. They want real people who communicate with authenticity. They care less about the plan than they do about the candidate’s ability to genuinely express themselves.

Nobody has a great plan. We all just do the best we can. Everyday we work hard to make good decisions based upon the information and choices before us. As Robert Burns wrote, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, gang aft agley.”

Hilary almost seems to rant. She has the experience. She has a plan. How dare we question her? How dare anyone run against her? It is her time. She gets to be the first woman President. She has earned it. She has put up with that narcissistic husband for all these years. Get out of my way she thinks. And, how can anyone doubt her. Her politics are so carefully calibrated they could be thread through the head of needle.

Some are saying that Hilary will focus on state primaries where only registered Democrats can vote. Hilary doesn’t poll well with independents. Duh! So the hope is she can win some Democratic primaries (with no distasteful cross over independents or Republicans) and gain momentum. Really! Isn’t that just proof that she is unelectable, if she can’t pull votes from independents and disaffected Republicans? Obama has soundly out polled Clinton with independents, so I guess she has no other choice.

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