Sunday, April 20, 2008

McCain has Gas!

John McCain, who admits he doesn't know much about economics (he doesn't need to, because he wife has all the money) has proposed that the federal gas tax of 18.9 cents per gallon be dropped between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

This must be the most ridiculous proposal in my recent memory. It also shows how utterly out of touch John McCain is from the realities of life in America.

This is one of those policy proposals, so common in Washington, DC, which is literally pulled out of someone's ass. There is no analysis whatsoever. No doubt the conversation was something like, "Wow, the voters will really like that! It will reduce the cost of gasoline. John, that is brilliant. That is really Presidential!"

It also shows that McCain continues to dwell in some sleepy corner of the 1950's. It is Ozzie and Harriet time. Hey, let's go on a summer vacation and drive to the shore. Let's pack everything in the station wagon and go visit Grandma and Grandpa. Let go see the Great Smokey's. How about Zion National Park. Whoopee!!

The cost to the federal highway trust fund of McCain's funny proposal is $10 billion dollars. That is enough for 40 bridges to nowhere.

It is nice to see that McCain is a leader in setting a course for the nation to achieve energy independence. Let's encourage more gasoline usage by reducing the price through abandoning the federal tax. How ludicrous!

Unfortunately, as the policy makers in Washington, DC know all too well, the public is typically too stupid to understand the nuance behind political grandstanding. At least 30% of the voters think we found WMD in Iraq and that Saddam was behind the destruction of the World Trade Centers.

So, let's put a chicken in every pot. Let's help everyone feel good. Let's drive more this summer and drive this nation further into the toilet!

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