Monday, April 14, 2008

Bitter! I'm Bitter!!

Barack Obama's comments about small town Pennsylvania happened to be on the mark. They were thoughtful and truthful observations of the attitudes and beliefs of many working class members of small town America whose towns and lives have been passed by over the last 25 years.

His views are not elitist and were not condescending. They were factual observations that came from his experience on the hustings. The unfortunate reality is that working class small town America has voted against their self-interest for the past 25 years. They bought the Reagan brand of Republicanism. And they have become increasingly conservative, xenophobic and irrational in their embrace of guns and god. In America, however, as Barack Obama is learning, you have to be very careful when you speak the truth.

Since his remarks, he has been vilified by the the Clintonistas. They have just launched a television ad in Pennsylvania that continues the pattern of misconstruing the Obama remarks.
Republicans have jumped on the bandwagon, saying that the Obama remarks show how out of touch Democrats are with small town working people. F**k them.

It is the Republicans who have sent the sons and daughters of working class people to Iraq to die. It is the Republicans who took a hands off approach to financial sector regulation and sowed the seeds of the subprime crisis. It was the Republicans who provided tax breaks for the wealthy and increased the concentration of wealth. It was Republicans who governed the most corrupt administration in recent memory. It was the Republicans who put our service men and women in harms way through their criminal acts approving the use of torture. It was the Republicans who did everything possible to concentrate power in the Presidency. So F**k the Republicans.

And, Hillary Clinton, f**k you and your husband for giving the Republicans and John McCain a helping hand in attacking Obama and through your devious, self-absorbed and mendacious ways perhaps providing an opportunity for the Republicans to win in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron - you have it right F**king on.