Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday: Vote Obama!!!

This past week, while fighting an influenza attack, I watched too much television. The news cycles the same stories about every 20 minutes and it is easy to feel like Punxsutawney Phil. Actually, due to my high fever, for a couple of days I was sure that I was Phil’s alter ego.

I couldn’t believe some of what I heard. Ann Coultergeist was on Hannity saying that she would vote for Clinton in a Clinton vs. McCain race because Clinton was more conservative than McCain. The wingnuts of the Right were generally apoplectic about McCain.

Meanwhile, Hilary kept telling me that it was really her running for President and not her evil twin Bill. And, she kept reinforcing the message that she knows what to do on Day One. The more she says it, the less convinced I am.

There really are two Americas. One is inhabited by those on the right and the left who continue to care about the nuanced distinctions and issues based politics that has caused our Nation to congeal into a stagnant morass incapable of big ideas that inspire us to greatness. On the other side is Obama. Funny how that works for me, but I really see it that way.

There are those on both the right and the left who are stuck with their positions. They have held to them for so long that they are deathly afraid of letting go. Like someone stuck in a bad relationship, the comfort of the abuse they know is better than the fear of the unknown that lurks beyond.

Obama is not so much about positions or issues as he is about hope and promise.

I was so inspired yesterday by the event at UCLA. On the stage were Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy. Joining them unannounced was Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger. She gave an impassioned speech saying that she awakened yesterday morning and knew that she had to go to UCLA. She talked with her daughter about it and her daughter encouraged her to go.

Last night a good friend asked if my support for Obama was intellectual or emotional.

I am voting with my gut this year. Emotionally, I was at UCLA yesterday. I have contributed to the Obama campaign and I will be at my precinct caucus supporting Obama this next weekend. Meanwhile, I ask all my friends and colleagues in the Super Tuesday states to trust their guts, step up and take a risk and vote for Obama tomorrow

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