Thursday, February 21, 2008

"All The News We See Fit To Print"

Ah, the Mother Ship. The New York Times. The icon of journalistic rectitude. How I love my morning NYT fix. Probative. Insightful.

Something is fishy in Gotham. The story was at least two months old by the time the Times endorsed McCain before super Tuesday. Why did they sit on it? Matt Drudge had it in December. No one picked it up. Where was the comedian Rush Limburger? He should have been on the story like a hooker on oxycontin. Do you think Romney has his Mormon undergarments in a bunch? You think?

My gawd, what the conservatives could have done with the McCain story. I have no doubt that it would have made a difference in the outcome of the Republican race. Republicans like the moral rectitude thing. The Right wing and the Right wingnuts would have been all over the story. Now, there is only Huck-a-Buck and the talk radiators to raise a ruckus.

When the NY Times started its on-line addition they had a panel of experts and solicited readers to suggest a new tag line for the on-line addition. After much study it was determined that the grand old lady of Gotham should stick with the old mantra: “All the News that’s Fit to Print.”

It may be time for a change.

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