Sunday, May 25, 2008

Reagan Redux

I am going out on a the proverbial prognosticators limb. I believe, before this election year is over, we will see a group form which calls itself Reaganites for Obama. The organization will include, of course, the late President's son, Ron Reagan, and a host of Reagan administration factotums who see in Obama something of what they saw in Ronald Reagan. Finally, I am convinced, reading Peggy Noonan every Saturday in the Wall Street Journal, that she will get on board the Obama bandwagon. Between the lines, she is clearly, to me, already an Obama supporter.

So, why would Reaganites join forces with Obama? What is it they see in him that pulls them away from the Republican fold?

Obama gave himself a boost with the Reaganites when, in his remarks in Reno early this year, he praised Reagan as a President who had made a difference.

The great gift of Ronald Reagan was that he helped the country and its people feel better about themselves. Post Vietnam and Watergate, post Ford and Carter, post skyrocketing interest rates and Iraqi hostages, Reagan made the country feel good about itself for the first time in a long time. Obama has that same gift. Reaganites recognize it and believe in it and how important it is to the nation. McCain doesn't have the gift.

The Reaganites also see in Obama that great force of personality that made Reagan so effective around the world with his brand of personal diplomacy. Reaganites believe in that and are less inclined to embrace the Pax Americana tough stuff diplomacy of the neo-conservative Bush Administration. McCain seems inclined to follow the Bush path.

Reagan caused the world to regain respect for America. Obama has that same capacity. So, out on the limb I am, suggesting and predicting that there will be Reaganites for Obama before the election in November.

LOL. I just went to Network Solutions and discovered that the url, is already taken. I was going to buy it to add to my collection.

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