Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Some of you may have seen the egomanical star fucker Lynn Forester do her Democrats for McCain press conference and press appearances yesterday. She was a huge Hill-Raiser, having pulled in big money for Hillary. She was even on the Democratic Platform Committee in Denver. Clearly this is a person who does not care about issues. Rather, she cares about the limelight and ink.

I met her a dozen years ago at Davos and had breakfast with her later at the Regency Hotel in New York City. She is one of those leonine blondes whose eyes continually dart around the room looking for more important people to talk too. She is now married to Evelyn de Rothschild of London. He is about the same age as McCain. This is her second rich older husband, having been formerly married to Andrew Stein,formerly President of the New York City Council.

The McCain campaign will now use her as a surrogate for Carly Fiorina who imploded yesterday. Forester won't last long. Yesterday she referred to small town "rednecks" in her feeble attempt to resurrect Obama's "bitter" remarks.

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