Monday, September 1, 2008


The VP designate for the Republicans, Sarah Palin, has the thinnest resume. I think the Republicans have it all wrong. They are trying to pitch her as experienced. She doesn't have any meaningful experience. They need to pitch her as exactly what she is. She is inexperienced but, Dad Gum, she represents America. She is perfect to pitch to that lowest common denominator mouth breathing segment of this country. She had no passport until 2007. Who needs a passport? Her husband races snowmobiles. Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She can bond now with Britney Spears mother.

Rather than play up the inexperience as a virtue, the McCain camp and Republican pundits are claiming that she has experience. Mayor of at town of 6800? Holy shit, I was a student body officer on a campus with more students than that and we had a larger budget than her town. Does that make me qualified. And, the most hilarious is the claim by Cindy McCain and Fox that the fact that Alaska is next to Russia gives her foreign policy experience. That is the best. It prompts other intuitive insights gained as a consequence of proximity. They include:

I lived across from a pizza parlor so I know about Italy.
There was a whore house on my block so I know how to give good blow jobs.
I take my shirts to a laundry so I know how to use chopsticks.

The Palin selection is a classic John McCain shoot from the hip and take aim later decision. It reinforces the my belief that McCain is a demented whack job. It also looks like a late in the game hail mary. Time will tell, but I have heard several thoughtful women say that they are offended as they believe she was only picked because she was a woman. They say there is no chance a man with the same credentials would have been picked.

Pretty crazy! And now, the Republicans are falling all over themselves to look concerned about Hurrican Gustav. Give me a break. What losers!!

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