Sunday, February 17, 2008


It is the cruelest. When you eviscerate hope. That is the cruelest thing. A narrow, parochial parent can unknowingly dash a child’s dream. Sometimes that can’t be helped. It is almost inadvertent. Other times, it is purposeful. Unfortunately, for the child, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Per her report Hillary Clinton’s father was an incredible task master. When she achieved great grades in school, it was never enough. No matter what her accomplishment, it was never enough. That comes from a man, her father, whose own lack of self-worth no doubt forced him to diminish others around him, over whom he felt some sense of control. That is a man who would not brook dreaming. After hearing Hillary talk about it, I believe he was abusive.

Now, these many years later, indeed, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Hillary is running for President as the dutiful daughter who always got good grades, who always aimed higher and never throttled back on ambition.

Now, the dutiful daughter is in the fight of her life. And, as a consequence of all that has gone before she is utterly at sea. She does not know how to fight a dreamer. She does not know how to fight hope. Because, she was never allowed that for herself. You don't get A's for dreaming. You don't get A's for hope.

I can almost hear her internal dialogue. “It is not fair.” “I have worked so hard for so long.” “Good grades count for more than anything.”

No Hillary, that is not how it works. People need to believe in something larger than themselves. And when that message comes from a brilliant man, who also had good grades, and just happens to move with a leonine grace, then, Hillary, you have a big problem. And, like your father, your only recourse may be to do all you can to eviscerate hope.

I hope not.

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