Friday, February 29, 2008
William F. Buckley, Jr. R.I.P.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
One Nation Behind Bars
Okay, so crime is a little off subject. It has not been a central theme for any candidate. Candidates for President have talked about being tough on crime, especially the Republican Party candidates, in whose party, recently, there has been a greater tendency toward crime. Crime as a political issue is right up there with motherhood and apple pie. It is a feel good issue. You can be a pussy over gay marriage but you have to be tough on crime.
Politicians are another part of the problem. Stiffer and broader sentencing has been a glib way to deal with criminality. No one looks at the root cause. Lock’em up and throw away the key, that’ll teach’em. Disparate sentencing between upper class cocaine use and lower class crack use is a classic example of the inherent bias in how politicians approach criminal justice. Another contributor to high rates of incarceration is the “bitch.” Three strikes and you are out is the premise for the habitual criminal statutes. Perhaps good in theory, but not so good when you get life in prison for your third Snickers Bar theft.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Health Care
In the debate between Clinton and Obama on Tuesday evening in
Bottom Line
Hillary Clinton seems to have this notion that just because you are experienced and the former First Lady and a Senator that you should enjoy some special station. While we respect her, the bottom line is, we don’t like her. The reason we don’t like her? Fundamentally we believe she thinks she is the Queen Bee. And, when you combine Queen Bee with cold fish, you have a powerhouse combo. We just don’t like her and none of her protestations regarding experience will ever change that. The poll numbers confirm that. She scores higher on experience than Obama, but much lower on likeability.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Time Passed Them By
When the post mortems are complete, and when the dust has finally settled form the 2008 race for the Democratic nominations for President, I am certain that the pundits and the historians will agree on the essential elements of the failure of the Hillary Clinton candidacy.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Ready on Day One
Already, pundits have begun to post mortem the
She is, indeed, Dead Woman Walking!
Friday, February 22, 2008
In poker you call it the tell. With all the televised poker the term, "tell," is making its way into the common vernacular. This evening, in the
Thursday, February 21, 2008
"All The News We See Fit To Print"
Ah, the Mother Ship. The New York Times. The icon of journalistic rectitude. How I love my morning NYT fix. Probative. Insightful.
It is a generational thing. Aging boomers remember Pogo. I mentioned Pogo to a Gen-Xer last week and got a blank stare.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Five Stages of Grief
Hillary is so completely “Dead Woman Walking.” The response of the Clintonistas to the decisive victory by Obama in
How do you respond to demographics that show Obama taking his core groups by big margins and going dead heat with the core Hillary supporters? It is hard to spin.
Cat Fight
I love a good cat fight. We rarely get to see a good cat fight. As guys, we talk about them. They are mythic. We exclaim to one another about how we saw these two chicks really get into it. We are really sort of perverse about it.
Hard Ball
Liberal political junkies watch MSNBC. It makes us feel good to listen to Keith Olbermann mess with Bill Oily and the “comedian” Rush Limburger. Thank God for the counterpoint to Fox Noise, the Republican Party official organ.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
It is the cruelest. When you eviscerate hope. That is the cruelest thing. A narrow, parochial parent can unknowingly dash a child’s dream. Sometimes that can’t be helped. It is almost inadvertent. Other times, it is purposeful. Unfortunately, for the child, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
John "Used to be Straight Talk" McCain
In politics, it is critically important to frame your issues and yourself in a way that is compelling with the electorate. Quality framing can, if done well, mislead the populous with Orwellian elegance.
Then the straddle legged Bush pranced across that aircraft carrier pronouncing “Mission Accomplished.” Just saying it is so, does not make it so. But, lots of people don’t know that, a fact the framers and spinmeisters count on.
Well, no shit!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
This mornings New York Times (Friday, February 15, 2008) had, on page A19, approximately 30 column inches devoted to the wingnut rants and raves of the radio talk show comedian Rush Limbaugh. The Times reported his bullshit as news. Limbaugh even says he may raise money for Obama. Coverage of Limbaugh, like coverage of Anne Coulter’s assertion on Hannity that she would support
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
16 Years!
It was sixteen years ago that Bill Clinton was running for President. His run had received its boost from a speech he gave four years earlier in 1988 at the National Democratic Convention. That was the first time he received broad national recognition.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Beyond Color!
Tonight, it is no surprise that Obama has soundly won
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Precinct Caucus
Today I went with my fiancé to my Democratic Party precinct caucus on
Several of the themes I have mentioned in Political Itch were touched upon by the speakers. A young person said that it was time for the baby boomers to move aside.
Another said that they want hope and promise, not detailed plans for the government.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Oh my! Obama!
Today, Barack Obama was in
We arrived at 11:00am when it had been announced the doors would open. As we approached the Arena people were streaming toward the building. There were long lines at either entrance. Each line had thousands of people cued up. We got in line and moved quickly toward the doors to the “Key,” as we call it in
Obama gave his classic stump speech. There are so many lines that just make you spontaneously cheer. And I did!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Dishin' Dirt
It seems time to weigh in on the spouses who stand by their man. The great material provided by the wives of Giuliani and Thompson is now in the dust bin of history.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
This Is A Wonderful Country!
Bill Clinton made $35K in his last year as Governor of Arkansas. They don’t make much, which is why Huck-a-Buck had to grill squirrels in his popcorn popper. He was practicing to be Governor of Arkansas. Hillary Clinton made more money at the Rose Law Firm. Together Bill and Hillary entered the White House with a net worth of about $1.97
She joins the ranks of Mitt Romney, Steve Forbes and Ross Perot. It is heartening that pluck and luck can propel the earnest individual into the land of milk and honey.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Super Tuesday: Vote Obama!!!
This past week, while fighting an influenza attack, I watched too much television. The news cycles the same stories about every 20 minutes and it is easy to feel like Punxsutawney Phil. Actually, due to my high fever, for a couple of days I was sure that I was Phil’s alter ego.
I am voting with my gut this year. Emotionally, I was at UCLA yesterday. I have contributed to the Obama campaign and I will be at my precinct caucus supporting Obama this next weekend. Meanwhile, I ask all my friends and colleagues in the Super Tuesday states to trust their guts, step up and take a risk and vote for Obama tomorrow