Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sleek Headed Men

I have been watching Meet the Press this morning and listening to Harold Ickes opinine on the strategy that delivers the nomination for Hillary Clinton. It is ridiculous. It is based upon the notion of electability and his tortured alleged fact that Clinton has more popular votes. He claims that the last time the nominee had fewer popular votes was in 1972, a sour reference to the ill-fated McGovern campaign.

Ickes is prickly and the classic tough fixer, his long term role for Billary. In watching him I am reminded of the lines from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. Sleek headed men such as sleep 'o nights. Such men are dangerous." Ickes slicks back his thinning hair. It goes well with his thin lips. I have always distrusted anyone with thin lips. Seriously, it is an old bias of mine. Look in the mirror. If you have thin lips, you are no friend of mine.

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