Billary’s campaign is hitting new lows in the run up to the South Carolina primary. The Obama attacks have a hint of desperation to them. Billary sounds strident and pleading.
I am so enraged by Billary that sarcasm is my only outlet:
Can’t the voters understand that Billary knows best and does better than anyone?
And, if you want hope, Billary can give better hope than anyone else. In fact, Billary has been giving hope longer and more fervently than all the other candidates combined.
And change. You want change. Billary has been a life long agent of change.
Racist? Billary isn’t racist. Billary was the first Black President.
And, Obama is just a kid. Billary has experience. Billary knows better. Billary knows the issues. Billary has a plan.
Watching Billary respond to media inquiries on the Obama attack I am repelled. Watching his slack jawed, opened mouthed, Elvis impersonation aw shucks, slippery moves I am convinced I don’t want Billary back. Watching her language, her superior stance and body language and sense of entitlement I am convinced I don’t want Billary back.
With the 10th anniversary of the Oval Office blow job, we have the opportunity to consider, once again, that Billary gave us eight years of Bush. And, Billary is undoing eight years of building a thoughtful image as a global philanthropist. Billary blew the promise.
Obama needs to hold to his message of hope, of a new vision, and of consensus politics. The country is starved for that. Billary is so yesterday.
It is heretical, but, if Billary wins the nomination, a long term Democratic friend of mine said, this afternoon, that he would give serious consideration to voting for McCain.
FYI, See earlier post, "Bubba is Back."