Sunday, August 7, 2016

2016 Election Update:  No Trump Supporter Friends for Me!

I have determined that any one of my friends who supports Trump can no longer be my friend.  It is very fundamental.  Trump is, I am convinced, clinically and definitionally deranged.  Words come out of his mouth like a tossed salad with no syntactical connection.  It would be impossible to diagram one of his sentences.  His mind is free floating mush.  He has no defining morality.  He is incurious and does read books, newspapers or white papers.  He watches the "shows" and listens to his own prodigious mind for insight on the issues facing our nation and our world.  His election to the presidency would be a disaster domestically and internationally.  He draws support from a significant part of the American population.  Keep in mind that 50% of the population has an IQ of less than 100.  That is not a very encouraging thought.  Long term loyal Republicans are trapped by party orthodoxy.  You must always support your party.  They must be agonizing over the dilemma Trump creates for them.

As a long term Democrat I can say that I am not thrilled by Hillary Clinton.  I will vote for her and be very happy to do so in the current context.  I had wanted Joe Biden to run because Joe is authentic and qualified.  Yes, he can say some ridiculous things but he is a solid and diligent politician.  I have suffered Hillary fatigue.  I have felt that fatigue largely because the Clinton's have been around for a generation and I am simply tired of them.  I do believe Hillary is very qualified to be president.  And I do not believe that she is a liar or dishonest.  She has been attacked for the past 20 plus years by the right wing attack machine.  I pay that no mind.  Whitewater etc are all so much bullshit.  Hillary will make a very good president and will keep the country on an even keel.  Most important, her appointments to the Supreme Court will be qualified candidates.  They will not be right wing ideologues in the same vein as Scalia, Thomas or Alito.  Praise the Lord for that result.

So...tell me you are voting for Trump and you and I are done forever.  Farewell will be my last words to you.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


I have not posted on my blog, Political Itch, for four years.  While the primary season is now well underway, I have not felt compelled to post.  The Republican candidates for President are distressingly bad with the exception of John Kasich who is clearly the most qualified and most thoughtful of the current lot.

Jeb Bush gives the impression that he would rather being doing something else.  I don't think he really wants to be running for President.  It was expected of him and it was his turn so he felt compelled to get in the race.  I think he is fundamentally a decent person but he should not be running for President.

Rubio, Cruz and Trump are equally terrifying, each for their own reasons.  Trump defines narcissism!
He is a blowhard and very difficult to take seriously, but I think we must.  At the end of the day he is not electable.   I have been calling him the Pillsbury dough-boy!   His physician said he was in the best condition of anyone who had ever run for President.  How ridiculous!  Everything about Trump exudes hyperbole and excess. 

Cruz defines mendacity.  He will say anything to curry favor with and pander to the electorate.  He is similar to Trump in his self-promotion and ambition.  He looks like a rat and acts like one as well.  Some make light of the fact that he has no friends and no supporters in the US Senate.  But, can't you tell a person by the friends they keep....and if you keep none doesn't that mean something as well?
His one professed friend is Peter Thiel, the libertartian investor who wants to create a floating nation free from the constraints of be inhabited one imagines by the one percent and served by "illegal immigrants."  The fact that Cruz wears cowboy boots also offends me.  He may be from Texas, but he is Ivy League at heart and a big hat, no cattle kind of guy.

Rubio looks like a teenager and is clearly not ready for prime time.  The arc of his career, his education and background provide to me the picture of a person who has been perpetually ahead of his skis!  And, he wears shoes with high heels!  Pretty funny.

I like the fact that Bernie Sanders is raising serious issues and moving them into the national dialogue.  That is important.  I will write more about that in the future.  And poor Hillary.  I have such Hillary fatigue.  More about that later as well.

Barack Obama has been the coolest President we have had in a long time.  David Brooks wrote a wistful piece on Obama which is interesting coming from his Republican (albeit it centrist and moderate point of view).  Here is a link to that column:

Stay tuned!  The world is a bit upside down right now!  That seems to be a rather constant state since the days of Ozzie and Harriet.  Although, the 1958 that the Republicans want to embrace only exists on television re-runs.